Praying To the Light in the Darkness of Night in a Confused World

 In the dark of the night, I pray for clarity, O Lord, our Light in a confused World. 

There are so many who have differences of opinion,

But seem to judge others according to whether,

They are in alignment with their point of view.


You told us, O Lord, we aren’t to judge others, 

Lest we be judged by the same accord.

So, I pray with trepidation,

For I am a guilty and sinful human being.


So, with a humble heart,

I ask for the gift of Your compassion, 

For me and for all of us in this confused world, O Lord,

No matter on what side of the fence we reside.


With words less harsh, and more tolerant, 

Willing to tune out the cacophony of noise

And focusing on treating others as You would want,

Respecting their differences and opinions, as well.


[For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged… Matthew 7:2]